
 May 15, 2015 It is time to get this show on the road, and when I say that I mean start drumming up some business. I spent the most part of February in the hospital. I was on life support for three days and almost lost my life due to terminal congestive heart failure and full renal failure. It just hit me in the face all at once. When you go through something like that, it makes you realize just how short your life can be. With that being said, yes, it is time to do as much as I can, for the doctors say I only have six months to a year to live. I will beat this. If the Lord wanted me, he could have taken me that  night. But, I am still here, and I do feel time is getting short. Maybe that is why He took Drew so fast. Drew would not be able to handle the loss of his mother. So now I am working really hard on projects to sell, and things to leave the children when I am gone.  Since I haven't been able to work, I have been at least keeping busy. But, now it is time to get moving.

The Presence, Around Us

Well, Okay so my link to my doterra site is a little messed up. I am going to have to fix or play with the site again. Today has not been a good day,, I am still suffering from delayed grief of my son Drew. But, that is Okay. I need to work a little harder on keeping busy and keeping my mind and hands doing something.  Have you ever awakened in the mist of the morning, and feel a presence is around you? That is what happened to me this morning. It was a real experience. I don't know, maybe I way dreaming but I felt Drew's spirit around me really strong, I feel he is sad because he knew I was right about that car being to much for him, to fast and to powerful. I should have demanded he trade cars with me. His car was a Camaro with eight cylinder power. Something older people cruise around in on Sunday to show it off. I can wish an hope and make a million should haves and could haves, but that is not going to bring him back is it ? I feel I am coming out on the rear end of

Happenings in the Last Chapter

The Last Chapter I call this the last chapter in reference to the last chapter of mine, ours, yours or whoever is in the last chapter of their life. I am living it day to day working with fiber. Yes, fiber. The kind on animals, not the kind you eat. I have learned different kinds of fiber from wool to bamboo can be spun and crocheted or knitted into something beautiful.  I guess I started this journey after Drew was killed. Sort of a way to stay busy, like I don't have enough  to do anyway. But, the housework can wait, as a lot of things since all the kids are grown and gone. I think we all should stay busy doing something or you will vegetate, so will your minds. What commercial is it that says, "a body in motion will stay in motion" and on ...... I do believe that is true. Use your mind, all of it, or it will not stay in motion. To many people I see just do nothing all day, every day and that is how the rest of their lives will grow, in to stagnation. Staying